3 Stories

Learn French

Last Updated on 3 March 2022 by Julie

French lessons (General French)

Learn French online with a French teacher! FLE à Abbeville ou à distance

Who are these for? What are the prerequisites?

This training in general French (in Abbeville, France or online) is for adults whatever their level, wishing to improve their French for personal or professional purposes.

Lessons range from levels A1 to C2 of the CEFR.

What are the goals?

The goals of the lessons are:

  • to enhance oral and written language and gain confidence when you need to speak French;
  • learn about everyday French : introduce yourself, arrange to meet friends, make an appointment, go shopping, book a table at a restaurant, talk about a movie, discuss your plans, make a request, tell your holidays…

What are the contents?

The training consists of a permanent practice of the 5 language activities to give you a global, communicative approach of French:

  • listening : varied audio documents or videos to train your ear, discover various accents variés and learn more words and phrases;
  • reading : varied texts to learn more words and phrases while settling into the grammar system ;
  • speaking : role-play of everyday situation and prepared presentations…
  • writing : writing from prompts, emails, reports… from a role-play or to answer an actual need;
  • interacting : prepared or unprepared role-play and informal conversations with the teacher.

Depending on your needs, you can focus on one or some of these aspects more intensely.

What’s the method? What about the material?

  • placement test lets you know your level at the beginning and allows me to target your strengths and weaknesses to build together your own personalized course;
  • I choose affordable quality teaching material (textbooks and/or worksheets) ;
  • For each lesson, you’re invited to prepare to talk on a subject of your choice so as to boost your self-confidence;
  • When possible, I’ll suggest using role-plays and actual situations from your life so that you can quickly benefit from your learning;
  • continuous monitoring of your progress (through our interactions during each lesson) allows you to know whether you have retained the knowledge from previous lessons;
  • Between two lessons, you’ll get a little homework (in a reasonable quantity that can fit your schedule) to keep the learning active and let you confidently get ready for the next steps.
  • At the end of the course, especially if you’re using CPF, you can take a final test to see how far you’ve made progress.

What are the online tools?

  • Lessons happen on a video-chat application, either with sound only, and screen-sharing when relevant, either with the camera on too. For optimal connection, make sure you check my advice to make everything flow better.
  • Scheduling can be done by email, phone and/or instant messaging (at the end of a lesson or on Facebook or Discord) or simply live if your lessons happen face-to-face (and preferably in French for more practice!).

How is progress monitored?

  • I mostly monitor by email.
  • Attendance is taken through online signature and I make sure you stay regular by email, phone and/or instant messaging.
  • For face-to-face classes, attendance is taken on paper or online.

How is the course assessed?

  • Informal 3 Stories online tests(these are not official certifications)
  • Official test  : Pipplet FLEX Français (compulsory if you want to use CPF)
  • A satisfaction survey lets you tell me what you think at the end of the course. Later, a second survey will ask you about using the recently acquired knowledge for a few months. Of course, you can always give me oral or written feedback during the course too, especially so that the content is still relevant to your needs and expectations.

How long does the course last?

Depending on your level at the start, your schedule and your needs, a course can be 10 to 120 hours long, in classes from 30 minutes to 2 hours (or more if you feel up to it!).

How does it go?

  • The lessons can happen online, face-to-face or in a blended situation (alternating online and face-to-face)
  • You can be in a group or alone
  • Lessons can last from 30 minutes to a maximum of 4 hours depending on your schedule and your studying pace; know that I always recommend to choose frequency over quantity. =)

How do I sign up?

  • Contact me by email, phone or through the contact form to register. You can also have a free trial class to meet me and discuss your needs.
  • The registration process is fast: the training contract is usually ready for you to sign in 48 hours and lessons can start the next week, depending on both our calendars.
  • For using CPF, registration will happen on the official Mon Compte Formation website. I’ll suggest a starting date (with a legal 14-day delay to give you time to change your mind if you want to) and you’ll be able to accept it on the platform. 
  • If you have special needs, make sure you check the “Accessibility” page to see how I can adapt.

So, you want to learn French with me? Feel free to get in touch!

I work in France. Can I use my CPF for this?

Of course! Thanks to the Pipplet FLEX certification, all our French courses can be paid through CPF.

To give you more options, modules go from 10 to 120 hours. Click on a duration to access the course on the official CPF website and register.


Tariffs using CPF

Training: 45€/hour
Pipplet FLEX certification: 110€

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